Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

Busana Muslim

Selamat datang di toko online Busana Muslim. Busana kami terdiri dari blus sulam, kaos dan abaya yang terbuat dari bahan kombat (bahan kaos). Pesanan yang kami terima langsung dikerjakan.

(Welcome to our online store Muslim Apparel. Our collection includes shirts, embroidered blouses and abaya/long dresses made from combat fabric (similar to shirt fabric/material). Your order will be made as soon as possible)

Pembelian minimal 3 pcs mendapatkan diskon 10% (There is a 10% discount for purchases of at least 3 pieces)

Koleksi Terbaru

OSR 22
Harga Rp110.000
Tersedia ukuran L

OSR 21
Harga Rp110.000
Tersedia ukuran L

OSR 15
Harga Rp 100.000
Tersedia ukuran M

OSR 20
Harga Rp100.000
Tersedia ukuran S

OSR 16
Harga Rp100.000
Tersedia warna merah marun (ukuran M) dan putih broken white (ukuran M)

OSR 18
Harga Rp 95.000

Kode OSR6
Harga Rp92.500
Tersedia warna biru dongker (ukuran M) dan putih (ukuran L)

Koleksi Blus Sulam (Embroidered Blouses)

OSS 01 (Rp 125.000)
Warna (color): Coklat (brown)

OSS 03 Rp (125.000)
Warna (color) : Putih & Merah (red and white)

OSS 04 (Rp 125.000)
Warna (color): putih (white)

OSS 04 (Rp 125.000)
Warna (color): coklat tua, coklat muda, biru dongker (dark brown, light brown, navy blue)

Koleksi Kaos (Shirt Collection)

OSR 9 (Rp 100.000)
Warna (color): merah marun dan coklat (red and brown)

OSR 10 (Rp 100.000)
Warna (color): Hijau twotone (green twotone) tidak diproduksi lagi. Bisa pesan warna lain: biru dongker, biru twotone, coklat tua, merah marun.

OSR 11 (Rp 100.000)
Warna (color): Orange muda, pink muda (light orange and light pink)

OSI 01 (Rp 90.000)
Warna (color): Hijau twotone, merah twotone (green twotone, red twotone)

OSI 02 (Rp 110.000)
Warna (color): Pink

OSI 05 (Rp 110.000)
Warna (color): biru muda (light blue)

Koleksi Abaya (Abaya/long dress collection)

Harga Rp185.000
Tersedia warna biru ukuran S

OSA 01 (Rp 155.000)
Warna (color): hitam twotone, biru twotone (black twotone & blue twotone)

OSA 03 (Rp 155.000)
Warna (color): Coklat dan biru dongker (brown and navy blue)

Keterangan Ukuran Busana Osmoes (cm) (Osmoes Size Pack in centimeters)

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