(Welcome to our online store Muslim Apparel. Our collection includes shirts, embroidered blouses and abaya/long dresses made from combat fabric (similar to shirt fabric/material). Your order will be made as soon as possible)
Pembelian minimal 3 pcs mendapatkan diskon 10% (There is a 10% discount for purchases of at least 3 pieces)
Koleksi Terbaru

OSR 22
Harga Rp110.000
Tersedia ukuran L

OSR 21
Harga Rp100.000
Tersedia warna merah marun (ukuran M) dan putih broken white (ukuran M)
Koleksi Blus Sulam (Embroidered Blouses)
OSS 01 (Rp 125.000)
Warna (color): Coklat (brown)
OSS 03 Rp (125.000)
Warna (color) : Putih & Merah (red and white)
OSS 04 (Rp 125.000)
Warna (color): putih (white)
OSS 04 (Rp 125.000)
Warna (color): coklat tua, coklat muda, biru dongker (dark brown, light brown, navy blue)
Koleksi Kaos (Shirt Collection)
OSR 9 (Rp 100.000)
Warna (color): merah marun dan coklat (red and brown)

OSR 10 (Rp 100.000)
Warna (color): Hijau twotone (green twotone) tidak diproduksi lagi. Bisa pesan warna lain: biru dongker, biru twotone, coklat tua, merah marun.
OSR 11 (Rp 100.000)
Warna (color): Orange muda, pink muda (light orange and light pink)
OSI 01 (Rp 90.000)
Warna (color): Hijau twotone, merah twotone (green twotone, red twotone)

OSI 02 (Rp 110.000)
Warna (color): Pink
OSI 05 (Rp 110.000)
Warna (color): biru muda (light blue)
Koleksi Abaya (Abaya/long dress collection)
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